Staff Training & Development Group

Organisations represented in the Group:

Edinburgh City Council, Edinburgh City Library, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh University, NHS Health Scotland, Heriot Watt University, National Library of Scotland.

What can the ELISA Staff Training & Development Working Group do for you?
The group meets 4 times a year to discuss ways to support and develop staff in libraries and information services across Edinburgh. We share information about training and development in our own institutions and we identify emerging training needs and tailor our events to these.
Please see our Group Minutes for a record of these meetings.

Meetings for 2015 are 02.02.15, 30.03.15, 01.06.15, 03.08.15, 05.10.15, 07.12.15 all at 3.30 at the National Library of Scotland.
We also create opportunities for exchanges of experience through our popular programme of visits to libraries and institutions of interest to library staff.

To support staff undertaking chartership, we host events and meetings to encourage them to meet other chartership candidates and share their experiences.

We report to the Business Committee on staff development issues in the city and work in a practical way to provide timely and relevant training for library staff on different grades and in different sectors.

Every two years we organise an Open Forum on a topic of relevance and interest to library staff.

Current Convenor: Currently we have a rotating Chair

Secretary: Currently we have a rotating Secretary